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That Crazy Troll

That Crazy Troll

Long day of letting my creative juices flow.Well... some of the time.Cause in all honesty, as a recovering perfectionist, I have a tendency to question what I write, design, record, + develop.The troll that hides under the bridge of my mind comes out.Saying all sorts...

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Embrace the pain. Release the fear.

Embrace the pain. Release the fear.

  Part of the work I do out in the world is listening to the pain that other people are going through. Whether it's physical, mental, or emotional, this pain is causing them deep suffering. As I listen to their pain and the story that goes with it, it's my job to help...

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As within, so without

As within, so without

We are all divine, spiritual beings creating the world in our image. As we are within, so we create without.  The problem in the world, as I see it, is we have a distorted image of ourselves. There are many out there that will have you believe you are a sinner, that...

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